Make an Appointment: [email protected] | 780-761-3871

  • Meet our team

    Our team has substantial experience in the field of child development, pediatric assessments and diagnostics, parenting support, & counselling for children. We rely on evidence-based treatment approaches and have post graduate professional development training in the treatments we offer. We bring warmth, comfort, kindness, and genuine desire to help in all of our services. We take all measures to ensure you feel comfortable, safe, and supported.

    We are located at 8707 50 St NW, Edmonton, Alberta. Services are offered on-site and/or through telehealth (phone and video) dependent on your comfort level.

    We are housed with Inspire Center for Learning, which provides creative social, music, and movement programming for all ability levels and ages.  Check out their programs at:

    Monica Naber

    Monica completed a Masters of Counselling Psychology from the University of Calgary and registered as a psychologist in 2015. She’s had the privilege of providing counselling for adults, children, and couples in the private sector using a variety of therapeutic techniques. Her work in the public sector focused on diagnostic pediatric assessments, focusing on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); as well as providing parental skill development and post diagnostic support.

    “I appreciate being in a unique position to combine my experience in neurodiversity with my passion of counselling to support family wellbeing for families with neurodivergent children.”

    Monica has a keen interest in supporting children with executive functioning challenges, emotional regulation, social learning, and anxiety. Monica has extensive clinical expertise in the assessment and diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). As well as providing early intervention through her certification as a Social ABCs coach.

    Ellen Robertson

    Ellen completed a Master of Education in School and Applied Psychology from the University of Calgary. Her focus on pediatric assessment was supported through public healthcare, where she completed her provisional hours in preschool and school age diagnostic clinics. Since becoming registered as a psychologist, she has continued to work in diagnostic assessment with focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as well as parent skill development, behaviour management, anxiety treatment, and pediatric feeding challenges.


    “I truly appreciate the opportunity to support children and their families during both diagnostic and treatment journeys.”


    Ellen is a certified Social ABCs coach and enjoys combining her extensive clinical expertise in ASD in both diagnostic assessments and providing early intervention support.

    Areas of Specialty

    Tandem Psychology is recognized for its clinical expertise in the assessment and diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Psychoeducational assessments

    Provider of Social ABCs – A parent training early intervention program for toddlers who could benefit from support with their social-communication development

    Social learning groups for children

    Parent consultation support through a positive parenting approach

    Improving flexibility and executive functioning in children, individual and group support

    Feeding treatment for children diagnosed with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

    Helping parents learn new ways of supporting their anxious child – offering SPACE treatment

    Reach out to us today!

    Please complete the form below to contact Tandem. We will be in touch shortly.

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